Overcoming Adversity Through Innovation: A Message From Russ

San Antonio Sports i play! afterschool

One definition of innovation is a process of improving a product or service from its current state. Change is inevitable, and innovation is the method to not only keep an organization relevant, but also ensure that it remains financially stable. When COVID-19 forced San Antonio Sports to look at our events and programs differently, we made a strategic decision in late April to invest in a number of technologies to help us adapt to the environment. By embracing technology, we’ve been able to provide virtual events and programming which we expect will be with us for the foreseeable future. Three events illustrate our ability to adapt.

The Alpha Warrior Team Tough Challenge (see story below) went from an in-person event at the Alpha Warrior Proving Grounds to a six-week high school fitness challenge for 28 teams of six. Fit Family Challenge provided free Zumba classes for hundreds of families via Zoom and the free 5K events turned into the Taco Trot Virtual 5K attracting almost 500 runners and walkers who earned medals, t-shirts and a free taco. One of our largest events, the San Antonio Sports Corporate Cup is underway (see story below) with company teams earning points through several virtual events. Make no mistake, company teams’ competitiveness is on full display even if we’re not on the grounds of UIW.  

Last month, I talked about our i play! afterschool program curriculum which has been turned into a series of videos that can be used in-person or online. To date, more than 60 schools have requested the videos and we expect that number to increase. We’re also offering i play! at home which will allow children to log their participation in practices and workouts on one of our new technology assets, RunSignUp, giving them the opportunity to also earn pieces of an i play! uniform.

No one knows what the future will hold and when we can resume holding events safely. But I do know that what we’ve learned over the past six months will enhance our future events and we will be stronger because of it.