Filling the Gap

The Aspen Institute 2018 State of Play report reveals that kids ages 6-12 from low-income families participate in youth sports at almost half the rate of affluent families, and face increasing barriers to participation. While inactivity rates for the overall population are down, most gains are among kids from upper-income homes who can better afford the growing fees associated with youth sports. Only 34% of kids ages 6-12 from homes with $25,000 or less in income played team sports, versus 69% of kids from $100,000 homes.

We also know that obesity remains one of the biggest threats to the health of our children and our country. In Bexar County, obesity rates are higher among adults who earn less than $25,000 than those who earn more.

San Antonio Sports’ i play! afterschool program provides 3rd -5th graders early-stage development in five sports. Thanks to the support from very generous donors, foundations and companies, we expanded our program from 48 to 58 schools this year. This innovative program impacts the lives of more than 1,400 children in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. The latest data from UP Partnership shows that the program continues to be a positive influence in areas of school attendance and enhanced academic scores. But the bottom line for us is that by providing access to and establishing a love for sport at an early age, these young athletes will go on to channel the lessons learned from playing sports and become healthy, successful leaders in their communities as adults.

In 2019 we launched our “Power of Sport” campaign to grow and sustain this signature program. If you’d like to support our efforts or learn more, click here