Trisha Melhado and her 17-year-old son, Samir, are frequent volunteers at San Antonio Sports events. The mother-son duo have helped at the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame, Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon, NCAA Final Four, i play! afterschool tournaments and Fit Family Challenge Big Events. Trisha learned of San Antonio Sports when she first moved to the city and was looking for races. She noticed the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon used volunteers from San Antonio Sports, looked into it and knew she wanted to help at our events. She likes that San Antonio Sports events focus on health and sports in the community, and more specifically, on kids. Samir likes that we offer opportunities that go beyond what his school offers.
Samir’s favorite event is the i play! afterschool tennis tournament. As a tennis player, he enjoys being a part of a tournament for someone else. Trisha likes Fit Family Challenge Big Events. “Samir and I get to play with kids, and the kids and their families are so excited about the games. We have so much fun and it was nice seeing all the families enjoy themselves.” According to Tricia, Samir gets a good laugh watching mom play in the Kids Zone.
If you and your family would like to join Trisha and Samir and have fun volunteering at an upcoming event, click here for a list of opportunities. As Samir says, “Volunteer and stay active!” Words to live by.