Volunteer Spotlight: Mary Hayes

Mary Hayes 30+ year career in the military took her to several places and when she retired, she chose to make San Antonio home. “First impressions are the best, and San Antonio left one after being stationed here for a few years,” explained the Kansas City native. Retirement offered her the opportunity to give back to the community. Mary’s first experience with San Antonio Sports was the 2018 NCAA Men’s Final Four where she helped with hospitality, serving as a hotel greeter at the Marriott Riverwalk. “This was right up my alley because not only were the Kansas University (KU) Jayhawks at that hotel, I truly enjoy meeting and greeting new people. It was an awesome event.”

What impresses Mary the most about volunteering with San Antonio Sports is the teamwork and “vast number of volunteers who has been actively involved with the organization for several years and the comradery everyone shares.”  She recognizes and appreciates that everyone brings a special set of skills to the table and is important. From the Final Four to Corporate Cup and the Sports Hall of Fame Tribute, Mary says volunteering challenges her to be outside of her comfort zone, and is an opportunity to meet extremely interesting people, share a hug or a handshake and help others. In short, it’s about making a difference. She sums up her thoughts:

“I have the ability and the responsibility to make our world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place, and at the end of the day, it’s not about what I or you have accomplished, but who I have lifted and made better. For me, it’s about giving back. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. San Antonio Sports, thanks for giving me the opportunity to help make a change.”

If you’d like to join Mary at an upcoming event like the Corporate Cup (see below) and help make a change, visit our website for a list of opportunities.