Volunteer Spotlight: Earl & Patsy Smith

We love it when someone who attends an event transitions into a volunteer. Such is the case with Earl and Patsy Smith. The Smiths became acquainted with San Antonio Sports through attending the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame Tribute and Final Four games. Due to their work schedules, volunteering was not realistic. But retirement opened the door and the couple became regulars assisting at UTSA games, at the Sports Hall of Fame Tribute and the Final Four.

“We have always believed that supporting the local sports activities was an important way to support the community,” explains Earl. “It has always been a strong commitment of ours that sports involvement is good for a person of any age as it is good for the body, mind, and spirit of the individual and the community.”

Like most of our volunteers, the Smiths say it is difficult to pick a favorite event, as all have “numerous positives.” But their top three include the Final Four, San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame Tribute and UTSA football games. The Smiths epitomize why our volunteer corps has a national reputation for friendliness. “Serving at the various hotel information booths during the Final Four is the most unique, and is very enjoyable as most of our interactions are with out of town guests. Those folks often need directions, food and activity options, as well as a general overview of San Antonio and downtown.”

The Smiths appreciate San Antonio Sports support of volunteers and point out there’s something for everyone, “which makes serving at events more enjoyable for us. There are different types of opportunities, so anyone can find something they enjoy doing.” They look forward to more events when they resume, and we look forward to seeing them and all our volunteers soon!