The Play Sheet

Overwhelmed? Here’s Your Game Plan

Everyone experiences moments of feeling overwhelmed, whether it’s juggling multiple project deadlines at work, managing time effectively as a student, or navigating the challenges of parenting. Stress and difficult decisions are inevitable, but Brian Hurtak has a solution.  A local Fortune 100 executive and a member of San Antonio Sports board of directors, Hurtak has written The Play Sheet: A Simple Resource for Overloaded Professionals, a self-help book that provides a framework for organizing and applying the vast amounts of information we absorb daily.

“Every coach has one playbook where all their information is organized,” says Hurtak who chose the concept of using a play sheet and applying it to daily life situations. It was inspired by the giant laminated sheets you see football coaches holding on the sidelines.

 The Play Sheet sets up a repeatable framework for individuals to create their own personal playbook and play sheet to tackle life’s challenges. The book is divided into four quarters.

First quarter—Ethos. Establish who you want to be to create guardrails to filter what is important to you, and create protections to filter out unnecessary information.

Second quarter – Play Book. Inventory, consolidate and organize information in one central place for future reference.

Third quarter –The Play Sheet. Use your plays and execute them effectively based on the situation you are currently facing.

Fourth quarter – Adjust. Regularly review and refine your strategies in response to current personal or professional situations.

Using this methodology, individuals can apply plays, depending on their stage of life, and run them during difficult situations. Hurtak runs plays outside of his professional life too, using a parenting play sheet. “If my kids are throwing a tantrum or not eating what they should be eating, I’ll look at the play sheet quickly and try to run the play.”

Although Hurtak didn’t play football growing up—his talents more suited to golf—he admits to being a huge football fanatic. He attended St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a school known for its prestigious athletics program. Its football team has won 15 state championships, 10 in the last 12 years. Growing up in that atmosphere fueled Hurtak’s love for sports and ultimately led to his admiration of Texas high school football. “In South Texas, the Friday night lights are definitely brighter.” His enthusiasm for sports led him to San Antonio Sports, where he strives to positively influence the community by encouraging health and wellness among local youth.

Hurtak’s journey demonstrates how passion and a well-designed game plan can drive change no matter what the scale. Be sure to check out The Play Sheet, a game plan for efficiency and productivity in every part of your life. Ten percent of proceeds from the sale of The Play Sheet will benefit the nonprofit San Antonio Sports. Get your copy today

By William Salony. Will is a senior at Trinity University interning with San Antonio Sports.