International Attention Starts to Fall on San Antonio Sports

In 2002, the San Antonio Sports Foundation hosted the POWERade NACAC Track and Field Championships. The event brought athletes from North America, Central America and the Caribbean, aged 20-24, together to compete in an international championship event. The three-day event showcased nearly 250 athletes from 24 countries, many of whom were competing in preparation for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

Held at Trinity University, the Championships brought in some of the nation’s best talent. Tyson Gay, Terrance Tramell, Chris Brown, Danielle Carruthers and Allison Beckford were among the medal winners who went on to win Olympic and World Championship medals. Athletes set or equaled 25 NACAC Championship records over 45 different events.

San Antonio was becoming a haven for major sporting events, and was now catching international attention. In preparation for the Sports Foundation’s bid on the 2007 Pan American Games, the NACAC Championships showed San Antonio had the capability to bring athletes from all over the world together to compete. As time would have it, these Championships became part of the loss that would help transform the Sport Foundation forever.