Faces of Fit Family Challenge: Silvia Ramos

Meet Silvia Ramos. Silvia has been attending our Fit Family Challenge classes for the past two years and has enjoyed every minute of it. This year Silvia is 100 percent committed to the 12-week summer program.

San Antonio Sports Fit Family Challenge presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas encourages families to learn about health and fitness, eat right and stay active. There are free, weekly fitness events at eight locations throughout the city that include Zumba® for adults and teens, and fitness classes for children four to 12 years of age.

Silvia loves the Zumba classes for many reasons but mainly because the class is the perfect combination of working out and one of her favorite pastimes, dancing. She explains, “It’s fun for me to dance and at the same time I know I am burning calories because I am doing intense workouts.”

In addition, Silvia loves the classes because of the instructors, the environment, encouraging staff and positive atmosphere.

Silvia is motivated by the challenge of the class which drives her to come to class almost every day. While she enjoys the social aspect of the class, her favorite part is the workout itself.

Silvia has also noticed changes in her health since starting the challenge. She’s lost significant weight and gained an all-around healthier feeling in her body.

In addition to attending Zumba, Silvia has taken concrete steps to live a healthier life, which she attributes to this program. This includes focusing on her diet. “Since I started my challenge I have been drinking only water, eating healthy, meaning only white meats, more vegetables and fruits.”

Not only has this new lifestyle impacted Silvia in a positive way but this healthier living has also impacted her children’s lives. Silvia is a parent of two boys and encourages both of them to stay active.

Silvia plans on maintaining this healthy lifestyle due to the improvements she has noticed not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Prior to starting her fitness journey Silvia experienced lower back pain, migraines and numerous other health problems. Since committing to this new lifestyle, Silvia has been pain free. She claims, “I feel 100% healthier and stronger. I want to continue this way the rest of my life.”

To learn more about Fit Family Challenge, visit www.fitfamilychallenge.com.

Abby Holland, San Antonio Sports communications intern, Trinity University