Support the TeamSA Endowment

Build a Legacy
Your support of the endowment helps solidify the financial foundation of San Antonio Sports for future generations. Outright gifts and deferred gifts once received will enroll the donor in the Podium Club at one of four levels.
Legacy Giving
A planned gift is a lasting investment in San Antonio Sports, advancing our mission and ensuring our ability to transform our community through the power of sport as we have done since 1984.
(Gifts of $100,000 or more)
All benefits listed below plus…
Any gift of $100,000 can become a named fund within the endowment. At the request of the donor, the purpose of the named fund may be to support a specific existing San Antonio Sports program or for a newly established program if approved by the boards of directors of both the TeamSA Endowment and San Antonio Sports. The designated fund may be named for oneself, a family, a friend or a company.
(Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999)
All benefits listed below plus…
Recognition in the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame Tribute program
(Gifts of $20,000 to $49,999)
All benefits listed below plus…
Any gift of $20,000 or more may become a named fund designated for a specific San Antonio Sports program or area. The designated fund may be named for oneself, a family, a friend or a company.
(Gifts of $ 5,000 to $19,999)
Name on plaque displayed at San Antonio Sports office
Name in annual TeamSA Legacy e-newsletter distributed to all San Antonio Sports members
Donor recognized at annual San Antonio Sports holiday gathering
TeamSA medal/lapel pin for first-time members
For more information about the TeamSA Endowment and donating at one of the levels above, contact Tuesdaé Knight or call us today!
For gifts to the endowment below $5000, please donate here.