San Antonio charities are in need of our support now, more than ever. In that spirit, the Charity Challenge has been extended and will now rank donations from January 1 – October 18, 2020 to each of the 6 charities: Haven for Hope, South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, University Health System Blood Donor Services, the San Antonio Food Bank, Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio and San Antonio Sports.
Point System: The rules and scoring remain the same - each charity will rank the participating teams, within their respective divisions, in order of their donated amounts, after which San Antonio Sports will award points toward competition. Charity Challenge points will be tallied and available by October 30. Please make sure you specify Corporate Cup when setting up your drive so that the charities have an accurate count.
Each charity will rank the participating teams, within their respective divisions, in order of their donated amounts, after which San Antonio Sports will award points towards the overall Corporate Cup competition. Please make sure you specify Corporate Cup when setting up your drive so the charities have an accurate count.
Organization | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | P |
San Antonio Sports | 40 | 30 | 20 | 5 |
Wednesday, August 12 - 12 p.m. | 25 | 20 | 15 | 5 |
Thursday, August 13 - 10 a.m. | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5 |
Friday, Sepember 25 | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5 |
Sunday, October 4 - 12 p.m. | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5 |
Donate to three charities: 15 bonus points
Donate to four charities: 20 bonus points
Donate to five charities: 30 bonus points
Due to overwhelming support for this competition, we will award a Charity Challenge trophy for the first time to each division's Charity Challenge winner as a special thank you for abudant donations to our charities. Give often, give generously and in the end, everyone will win! The Charity Challenge staff liaison is Carolyn Wheat. Contact her at 210.820.2119 or cwheat@sanantoniosports.org with any questions.
The Charity Challenge staff liaison is Carolyn Wheat. Contact her at 210.820.2119 or cwheat@sanantoniosports.org with any questions.
San Antonio Sports

San Antonio Sports works every day to transform our community through the power of sport. When you donate to San Antonio Sports through the Corporate Cup, you'll be supporting programs that transform the health and well-being of children and their families, most of whom live in underserved communities. These include the 1,200 kids who participate in i play! afterschool, the organization's signature youth program, and San Antonio Sports Fit Family Challenge, a free 12-week summer program that helps fight diabetes and obesity and offers free health assessments. You'll also be helping San Antonio Sports transform our community by creating school parks, which enhance elementary and middle school property with amenities to be enjoyed by students during the school day and the community for exercise and recreation after school hours. You'll also support our efforts to attract premier sporting events, which deliver transformative economic impact.
Haven for Hope

The Haven for Hope mission is to offer a place of hope and new beginnings. We do this by providing, coordinating and delivering an efficient system of care for people experiencing homelessness in San Antonio. Far beyond just providing a safe place to sleep each night, Haven for Hope is a 22 acre "one stop" campus with more than 300 comprehensive services in a central location. Services include but are not limited to: transitional housing, permanent supportive housing programs, employment readiness, financial literacy and mental health services.
Haven for Hope's services reach far beyond those of a standard homeless shelter. Providing food, clothing, and shelter is only a fraction of what can be done to help those experiencing homelessness. While these basic necessities play a large role in providing immediate relief, they are not long-term solutions. Therefore, in order to address the individual needs of people experiencing homelessness, Haven collaborates with 140 partner organizations. Our goal is to provide individuals with the tools necessary to move towards self-sufficiency and independent living in permanent housing.
To register your donation drive with us, please complete the Donation Drive Registration Form and return it to the contacts below. Please indicate the drive is for Corporate Cup.
For Charity Challenge points, we are accepting the following new items in all sizes for men, women and children:
• Deodorant – 1 point each
• Pairs of underwear – 3 points each
• Cotton sports/regular bras – 5 points each
• Monetary donations: $1 = 1 point
*Donations must be counted and accompanied by a donation form when delivered to Haven for Hope.
*Please contact us to create a unique fundraising webpage for your company to track monetary donations.
For questions or further assistance, contact DJ Jackson at dj.jackson@havenforhope.org or 210-220-2132, or Volunteer Services at volunteer@havenforhope.org or 210-220-2549.
San Antonio Food Bank

The mission of the San Antonio Food Bank is to fight hunger in Southwest Texas through food distribution, programs, education and advocacy.
The San Antonio Food Bank will collect and distribute 57 million pounds of food this year. Each week, the Food Bank serves 58,000 individuals throughout 16 counties in Southwest Texas. The Food Bank distributes food through a network of 530 partner agencies as well as special distribution programs including programs focusing on children and the elderly. As the San Antonio Food Bank can turn one dollar into ten pounds of food, monetary donations are a great way to make a significant difference in our community.
Please register your Food & Fund Drive and specify San Antonio Sports Corporate Cup. You can find information and the registration form by clicking here. All food and funds collected will support the Food Bank's summer campaign to end childhood hunger (Million Summer Meals for Kids).
Collecting Food:
Printing paper boxes work really well for Food and Fund Drives. You can go to local copy/print shops and ask for the boxes. They are sturdy and still manageable when filled with food, plus you can have fun and decorate them.
The San Antonio Food Bank may be able to provide barrels for food collection as well. Please limit barrel requests to those drives that will collect more than 250 pounds of food. This helps keep our transportation costs down. Additionally, delivering collected donations also helps us keep costs low PLUS you can get a tour of the SAFB when you schedule your drop off and get a chance to see your donation in action! But do not forget to mention that this drive is for Corporate Cup and leave your name, company, and phone number so we can credit you appropriately.
Want to engage that employee who forgot their food at home? Consider hosting a Virtual Food & Fund Drive in addition to your ongoing food collection. For every $1 donated, the San Antonio Food Bank can provide 10 pounds of food to families in need. More details are available online at the link provided above.
*Collection restrictions
You will receive credit only for the items collected through an employee driven Food & Fund Drive during the designated dates which are January 1 – May 8. You must specify on your registration form that this food & fund drive is intended for your Corporate Cup 2020 contribution.
Donations must be weighed/counter and accompanied by a donation form when dropped off to the San Antonio Food Bank, or picked up by SAFB trucks.
Please register your Food & Fund Drive with the San Antonio Food Bank and specify San Antonio Sports Corporate Cup. Click here to register.
Should you have any questions before submitting your registration form, you may contact Sophia Rangel at srangel@safoodbank.org or 210-431-8310.
South Texas Blood and Tissue Center

STBTC's staff and volunteers are committed to serving the blood, tissue and related needs of the South Texas community in a cost-effective manner by utilizing state-of-the-art facilities and equipment and to enhance those services through education and research.
South Texas Blood & Tissue Center (STBTC) is a unique, non-profit, community resource that saves lives by working with volunteer donors to provide the highest quality blood and tissue components to patients. By using cutting-edge technology, our team of dedicated professionals has helped save hundreds of thousands of lives over more than 35 years.
Participating companies can:
- Host a blood drive by May 8, 2020 at its location. Host a blood drive.
- Send employees to donate at one of six neighborhood donor rooms by May 8.
Hosting a Blood Drive*:
- Each company will need to designate a Blood Drive Coordinator.
- The Blood Drive Coordinator will need to call their Donor Recruitment Consultant to schedule a blood drive at 210.731.5590 or email service@southtexasblood.org to set up a blood drive.
- The Blood Drive Coordinator will work with a Recruiter to discuss date, time, location and promotional materials to display at the place of business.
- If your company is currently hosting blood drives, please be sure to tell your Recruiter your company is participating in the Corporate Cup Charity Challenge.
- All scheduled blood drives require a minimum of 15 donors to qualify.
- The Blood Drive Coordinator should sign up their donors on www.donatingforlife.org. Keep this sheet for any employees who wish to donate at a neighborhood donor room. See instructions for donating at a neighborhood donor room.
- Employees unable to donate at their blood drive can schedule an appointment to donate at a neighborhood donor room. See instructions for donating at a neighborhood donor room.
**San Antonio Sports will provide the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center a list of all participating companies. After May 8, STBTC will tally the total number of donors for each company. STBTC will provide the totals for each company to San Antonio Sports.
Donating at a Neighborhood Donor Room**:
- If a participating company cannot host a blood drive, the employer can have individuals schedule appointments to donate at one of six neighborhood donor rooms. Visit donatingforlife.org to learn how to schedule an appointment online or call 800-292-5534 ext. 3500.
- The company must designate a Blood Drive Coordinator to keep a list of names of employees who wish to donate blood.
- If an individual has scheduled an appointment to donate, the individual should contact the Blood Drive Coordinator prior to his donation date to be added to his/her sign in list.
- The Coordinator will be responsible for sending STBTC their list of donor names so that STBTC can verify the list. Email your sign-in sheets to service@southtexasblood.org.
**Neighborhood Donor Room Locations: (Subject to change)
Donor Pavilion 6211 IH 10 W., First Park Ten Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78201 210.731.5555 Click here for map. |
Shavano Donor Room 4079 N. Loop 1604 West, Suite 102 San Antonio, TX 78257 210.736.8920 |
Westover Hills Donor Room 10555 Culebra, Suite 107 San Antonio, TX 78251 210.736.8934 Click here for map. |
Southeast Donor Room 3158 SE Military Dr., Suite 104 San Antonio, TX 78223 210.736.8971 Click here for map. |
Northeast Donor Room 8527 Village Dr., Suite 106 San Antonio, TX 78217 210.249.4450 Click here for map. |
New Braunfels Donor Room 651 N. IH 35, Marketplace Suite 830 New Braunfels, TX 78130 830.625.5401 |
University Health System Blood Donor Services

As the premier Level I trauma center for a 22-county area of South Texas, University Hospital is always in need of an adequate blood supply. The University Hospital Blood Bank was established to provide blood needed for our patients and relies on employees, friends, family members, visitors and the community for blood donations.
How companies can host a blood drive:
Your blood donations help us save our patients' lives. All blood donated to University Health System is used in-house by our patients. There are three ways your organization can donate:
- By donating at University Hospital. We can set a specific date or week aside for your employees to come in individually or as a group. Donors may walk in at any time during our hours of operations. Appointments can be made, but are not necessary.
- By donating at one of our already scheduled drives. Our center conducts mobile drives all around San Antonio. We can help you locate which drives may be close to you and your team.
Our hours are:
Monday and Wednesday
8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
You can contact the Donor Room at University Hospital at 210.358.2812 if you have any questions, or visit our website. To set up your blood drive, contact us at 210-358-2792 or Blood.drives@uhs-sa.com and a representative will provide assistance.
Boys & Girls Club of San Antonio

Since 1939, Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio has been serving the youth of our community, especially those who need them the most. In the neighborhoods they serve: 28% of area adults did not complete high school (compared to 18% in San Antonio), 72% of the students in the school districts are considered at risk of dropping out of school and 37% of children in the area are living in poverty (compared to 30% in San Antonio).
The Clubs are neighborhood-based and family-oriented with programs focused on Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles and Good Character & Citizenship. The impact is astounding. Last year, they served over 7,300 youth. Of them, 98% of members stayed in school and successfully progressed to the next grade level, 99% improved/maintained their grades in core subjects including science, math and language arts, and 100% of regularly attending seniors pursued higher education or military service. Club Members perform better in school too – they are absent less and have fewer behavioral referrals than those not enrolled in BGCSA programs.
Point System
For many of the families we serve, purchasing school supplies year-round is an expense they cannot afford. This means hundreds of kids are going to school empty-handed and unprepared to learn. Your donations give Club Members the tools they need to succeed. With your help, we can ensure every child has the same opportunity to find success and achieve a great future, regardless of economic barriers.
For the Charity Challenge, we are collecting the following new school supplies:
Pencils (1 dozen) = 1 Point
Markers – Any Size (1 dozen) = 1 Point
Facial Tissues = 1 Point
Construction Paper (50-sheet pack) = 1 Point
Disinfecting Wipes (1 canister) = 2 Points
Copy Paper (1 ream) = 2 Points
Colored Paper (1 ream) = 2 Points
Construction Paper (50 sheet pack) = 1 Point
Monetary Donations: Every $1 donated = 1 Point
To drop off your school supplies donations:
- Print and complete the Corporate Cup Donation Form
- Drop off your donation and the form at:
Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio
Administrative Offices
Attn: Development Staff
123 Ralph Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78204
(210) 436-0686
Business Hours: Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
For more information, please click here or contact Reyna Vasquez.
2019 Charity Challenge Results
Boys & Girls Club:
- 7,829 school supplies donated
- $54,263.09 in funds to purchase school supplies
Haven for Hope:
- Socks: 11,964
- Underwear: 9,299
- Sports Bras/Bras: 789
- $92,079.86 to support programs and services that serve 1,700 people daily
Food Bank:
- 1,626,050 total pounds of food
- 1,270,351 meals provided
San Antonio Sports:
- $36,602.64 funds to support free youth and community programs
Blood Drive:
6,964 lifesaving pints of blood
Totals through 2019:
6,899,068 pounds of food donated
40,809 pints of blood donated
135,554 items of clothing donated
$231,780 of Haven for Hope rental assistance donated
33,153 school supplies donated and $89,765 in monetary donations to purchase school supplies for the Boys & Girls Club
$71,627 in monetary donations to support San Antonio Sports' free you and community programs