Who Says Zumba Isn’t For Men?

Meet Jeremy Colón. U.S. Marine, dog lover, and Zumba enthusiast. After his wife, Selina, introduced him to Fit Family Challenge Zumba classes three years ago, he hasn’t turned back.

“After being stationed in Okinawa, Japan, I came home on leave and [Selina] said, Hey we’re going to Zumba! I had no idea what Zumba was.” Colón’s wife described it as exercise, but you dance around and have fun. “I thought it seemed kind of weird, and my first day there I was lost. I have no coordination whatsoever, but I started coming more often. I began to enjoy it and saw that I was losing weight. My physical fitness was improving, and we just kept doing it.”

Colón and his wife bring their three children as well, so they can participate in the Kids Fit classes that are offered at the same time. They also have attended some Fit Family Challenge big events, including the District 8 80s 5K on June 23. San Antonio Sports Fit Family Challenge presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas is designed to get families active, eating better, and learning about health and fitness. The weekly classes are offered at eight locations, along with great prizes and cash incentives.

Colón explained his physical benefits since joining the weekly workout crew. “I’ve seen my cardio improve. I have been able to sustain my pace a lot longer. My actual endurance takes me further, and I have actually seen muscle definition in my legs.” He also touched on the enjoyment he has being involved.  “It has been fun. You don’t need coordination; I figured that out. As long as you keep your body moving for the whole hour, I think it’s a great workout and I encourage anybody to come.”

“I get a lot of motivation from the older women who are here, and I feel like I am out of shape because they are doing a lot better than I am.” He jokes about being one of the few men involved, but invites more males to come to the classes and see for themselves what a great time it is.

“It is something different, and I think that is what’s good about it. It is not something that most men see all the time. It is actually pretty fun if you just take the time to watch what everyone is doing and just get involved with the people and the class. It is a good environment to be around. It gives you an opportunity to be different.”

Learn more about Fit Family Challenge at www.fitfamilychallenge.com

Jillian Cready, San Antonio Sports communications intern, Trinity University