San Antonio Legacy Joins the Power of Sport


In November of 1946, Rosemary Kowalski started catering private parties as an extension of Uncle Ben’s Bar-B-Q, a restaurant she owned with her husband. As word quickly spread of the delicious food, her business grew into a full-service catering company. “Rosemary’s Catering” became a household name in San Antonio and is now under the leadership of Rosemary’s son Greg, who rebranded the company as The RK Group in 1989.

(Rosemary pictured far left, bottom row)

Rosemary was born in San Antonio and raised as an only child. As a girl, she played sports and  developed a passion for basketball through her school’s athletic program (pictured above). As a young athlete, Rosemary learned characteristics such as a positive attitude, courage, teamwork, confidence and persistence. Basketball taught her that having a positive attitude and building respectful relationships with those around you is the key to success. “[Sport] teaches you how to get along in life and to always treat everyone the same.” These same traits have aided Rosemary in her successful career, and she continues to leave a mark on San Antonio.

Understanding the lasting impressions that sports leaves on children, and the impact that it can have on their future careers, Rosemary now advocates for programs like San Antonio Sports’ i play! afterschool program. As she points out in a one-on-one interview with San Antonio Sports, giving children the opportunity to participate in i play! afterschool teaches them life lessons about active living, good nutrition and strong personal character, which our survey has shown, leads to professional and personal success later in life. “To think now at 94, that I am able to be here and appreciate the honor of representing i play! afterschool, for all of you out there, [and] to help to donate to this worthy cause…it’s a blessing.”

Current executives and leaders like Rosemary Kowalski, are sharing their experiences through our Power of Sport campaign in an effort to educate the public about the positive effects of youth sports and how i play! afterschool is changing lives.

To learn more about the Power of Sport campaign, contact us to see how you can get involved and support i play! afterschool.