Power of Sport: Football Stars and Leaders Join The “Power of Sport”

With the Super Bowl in Atlanta and the kickoff of the Alliance of American Football’s inaugural season, February is an important month for football fans. In light of these big sports moments, we recognize the football stars and leaders who have joined the “Power of Sport” campaign: Daryl Johnston, Tyreo Harrison and John Likovich.

Daryl Johnston:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_wlWNODZM0[/embedyt]

Daryl Johnston, three-time Super Bowl champion with the Dallas Cowboys, was recently named General Manager of the San Antonio Commanders of the Alliance of American Football. “As I have grown and matured, I have learned it is more important to prove the people right that have always believed in you, as opposed to proving those who doubted you wrong.”

As an athlete and sports broadcaster, Daryl supports i play! afterschool because it allows participating children to learn from sports, especially in underserved communities. “Youth and high school sports have become very expensive in today’s age and this program allows everybody to be a part of it. If we’re not allowing these experiences to be enjoyed and shared by everyone, then we’re not giving them the best opportunity they could have to be successful when they are older.”

Tyreo Harrison:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQvgf9M3PPU[/embedyt]
Sports taught former Philadelphia Eagles linebacker, Tyreo Harrison, communication skills and dedication to self-improvement which have carried over into his successful business career. “Every night I would ask myself, ‘Am I better today?’” Tyreo prioritized his time as a student-athlete, practicing discipline on the field and in the classroom. Even as he was approached for NFL opportunities in high school, he decided to pursue a college degree first. After college, Tyreo was interviewing to work on Wall Street only a few weeks before participating in the NFL combine.

Tyreo is the embodiment of a student-athlete and his dedication to academics and sports is echoed in i play! afterschool’s mission of helping improve kids lives as athletes and students. Tyreo is an amazing example of how students can learn an extensive  number of life skills when dedicating time to academics and staying active on the field.


John Likovich:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyZNfjCb-vk[/embedyt]

John Likovich played college football for Notre Dame’s 1973 National Championship football team. John’s time with the Fighting Irish taught him values such as perseverance and fortitude. “It taught me humility, you don’t win all the time, and it taught me continuous improvement.”  

Now the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sterling Foods, John recognizes how sports cultivates traits such as competitiveness and has seen this benefit his own employees’ careers. As a previous board member and strong supporter of San Antonio Sports, John urges others to support i play! afterschool as it positively impacts children. “When you can have individual performance coupled with being part of a team, I think that prepares you for the rest of your life.”

San Antonio Sports’ “Power of Sport” campaign is changing the lives of youth in San Antonio. To be a part of this movement, contact us to see how you can get involved. Stay tuned for more inspirational stories from San Antonio’s business and sports leaders.