Volunteer Spotlight: Brenda & Keith Blackmon

Keith and Brenda Blackmon enjoy volunteering together. They say it is a way to get out into the community and give something back. “We get to meet people and become more than just volunteers, we become part of a community,” explains Brenda.  “It is great to see how you can make an impact just by giving up time and helping with even the smallest little job. People appreciate you for just being part of the event.” 

Brenda learned about volunteer opportunities with San Antonio Sports from a coworker. She found information online, signed up to help and has become a regular. “We have been able to help at so many events and San Antonio Sports has been a good organization to be a part of.”

Proof that you can enjoy the fun without the run, Keith and Brenda’s favorite events are the Fit Family Challenge 5K’s and the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon. “They are so fast paced, and it is always amazing the way this organization has every step laid out and every volunteer knows the importance of the role he or she plays.” It takes a special person to show up at 4 a.m. for the marathon start line, as Brenda and Keith have done for years. “I love to be at the start line to help get people motivated as they get going.  It is so rewarding giving people some high-fives and seeing them take off.” The couple then heads to the finish line to see the runners come off the course.  “…the exhaustion from the event sets in and people are very happy to get to the end and ready for the reward of finishing.”

Their most memorable event is the San Antonio Corporate Cup. “You see so many people and meet people from all kinds of places. It is fun just to see the competitiveness the companies have against each other. Such a great event.”

Brenda sums up her thoughts on volunteering. “I wish more people would realize the impact you could make by just giving up a few hours of your time.  To volunteer makes my heart and mind feel at peace.  I miss volunteering right now and can’t wait for more opportunities to come our way.  Thank you San Antonio Sports for allowing us to come and serve with you!”

We miss Brenda and Keith and all of our volunteers and look forward to seeing them in the fall! Many events have been rescheduled. To see a list of upcoming opportunities, click here